
“Through this book, the writer touches on the father and child relationship in such a heartwarming way. He skillfully weaves together themes of co-parenting and how to make each moment magical. It's insightful and dispels the notion of broken homes and children not feeling their parent's love. It's a great read and will be an excellent addition to your home library.”

“I grew up in a split household sharing time between both parents. Watching tv, I could not relate as most shows reflected a traditional marriage/family set up. It’s nice to see options for everyone today. I wish this book was around as a young child. I purchased this book to read with my kids even though my wife and I are together. I wanted to show them what my childhood was like. My children are 7 and it was an easy read for them. The colors and fluidity of the read makes for good quality time together without electronics, fighting or craziness. My twins have read this book at least twice everyday day since we received it. Would recommend to anyone!”

“This book was so relatable to my own experiences as a non-custodial parent. I have never seen a children's book so accurately capture this parenting perspective.
Highly recommend!”

“A great take on a common life situation from a kid’s perspective, sensitively written with love."